Subject description
Food and Society II introduces students to the science of nutrition and how people's nutritional needs change over the life course. How the food environment shapes and influences eating behaviours, dietary patterns, and human and planetary health will be explored. Students will also be familiarised with community, regional, national and … For more content click the Read More button below.
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Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Describe nutrition requirements across life stages including key influences such as socio-cultural factors and the food environment.
Examine how the food environment is shaped as well as shapes policy and regulation through understanding planetary health, the food and nutrition system, food regulation and food hygiene standards programs.
Demonstrate basic food preparation and education skills for the translation of food, nutrition and health knowledge and skills as part of community nutrition interventions.
Evaluate the role of sociological, behavioural and nutrition promotion theory within community nutrition approaches.
Compare and contrast different approaches to addressing community nutrition issues and identify which approaches may be most helpful.
Assessment details
Online Quiz
Basic food preparation and education skills assessment
Case study
Report on identification of best practice approach
Textbook information
Contact details
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